My Golfing (mis) adventure...
Having made decent strides to the ranks of Vice President in the corporate world, my next target was that of a President / CEO. Amidst scores of ‘Thought Leadership’, ‘Think Big’, ‘Aspire Right’ etc funda’s and training sessions, one consistent (and seemingly not so complicated) recommendation by trainers, analysts, consultants and corporate Guru’s caught my attention – Learn to Play Golf was the simple message. Marriages are (were?) made in heaven and Deals are made in Golf courses – the wise consultants assured!!! Substantiating this with a long list of mega corporate alliances, deals and contracts that were made at Golf courses. Reason enough to give it a try – more so, since it would not be a power point based training. So, off I went, embarking on my search for an ideal set of needs, to enter the world of the noble golfing kingdom, Internet sites recommended locating a driving range close to home or work, where trainers would impart basic lessons for starters. “Buddy, I need gol...