Elephant Attack 3
Friday, the 12th of July would be etched in our
memories for long. This would be especially significant for Suresh and Deepa,
who probably have had their first such experience.
For me, Lalli (Wife) and
Vaishu(Daughter) being frequent jungle goers and experiencing such incidents,
we were quite used to this though this was possibly one of the closest we came
to a brush with disaster.
It was a cloudy evening as Suresh, Deepa, Lalli, Sanjeet (a
fellow wildlife photographer) and me along with a naturalist from Jungle Lodges
Resort set out for an evening Safari. As
we entered the Mysore – Kerala road stretch, we were greeted by Langurs,
Cheetal and even a Crested Serpent Eagle. Turning into Zone A in front of the
forest office, we ambled along past the first salt pit to the right, when we
saw a jeep in front of us signaling a ‘T’ (the left hand horizontal to the
ground and the right under it on a vertical position – similar to the timeout
sign or the decision review sign used by cricket umpires) which meant TIGER
Rushing to the spot, we passed by a small herd of elephants
which were far out in the bushes but visible from the road. We reached behind
the jeep in front and saw a young Tigress casually stroll across the road and
walk towards the bushes to the right. As the jeep came to a halt all of us took
up positions behind our long lenses and were scanning the bushes for the Tiger
on the viewfinder. Spotting it for just a fleeting second, we went berserk and trigger
happy with our dream moment.
It was then it happened. A chilling shriek behind jolted us.
Turning back we saw an angry elephant charging straight for us. It turned out
that there was a matriarch and her 2 calves behind us in the bushes. The
Matriarch was apparently keeping a keen eye on the Tiger and was nervous with
both her calves around. When we rushed in, our Jeep inadvertently had cut off
her line of sight of the Tiger. This probably angered the calves and the mom.
This was surely not a mock charge for the ears were closed
outward, the trunk curled in and she was actually sprinting and sprinting quickly at us. The Driver in fact had to accelerate hard to beat the charge and yet she
kept gunning for us for almost 200 meters with her calf stalking us on the
side. By then the rugged Jeep engine was churning out enough horse power to
gain on them and we sped away to safety.